Studio News

Porsche Panamera Launch in Sofia

Porsche Bulgaria chose Nu Boyana Film Studios for the Sofia Launch of the new Panamera. Boyana Events team organised a magical evening for all admirers of the famous brand.
Panamera Launch

Selected film props, as well as special light and sound effects prepared the audience for the spectacular appearance of two new generation Porsche Panameras. Events_PanameraPanamera LaunchThe guests enjoyed live classical music, delicious craft service and interesting VR simulation at one of Nu Boyana sound stages.img_0295_1img_0147_1img_0021_1Exploring the interior and exterior of this amazing car first-hand, the clients were convinced that “Courage changes everything” and left the studios with bolder dreams and precious memories from an unforgettable night.Panamera Launch VRimg_0215_1