Studio News

NuBoyana 24 – Filmmaking challenge

Join our filmmaking challenge and show your potential to work on set at one of the best film studios in Europe. Summon your friends now and come on March 10-11 at Nu Boyana Film Studios to create a 3-5 minute short film in only 24 hours – from Script to Screen. Give your best performance and you could get selected to be among our new interns at Nu Boyana.

We are looking for enthusiastic and hardworking people to appoint in our internship program as well as in some upcoming projects thus giving them a chance to develop successful careers in the film industry. Our special 3-month internship program at the studios begins on May 2, 2018.

1. Pre-production, production and post-production of a short film (The Film) of 3 to 5 minutes lenght in Nu Boyana Film Studios (The Studio) within 24 hours (from the writing of the script to the last post-production activities). From Script to Screen!
2. The Film script should contain three elements that will be revealed at the beginning of the shooting day.
3. The Film must be English or, if it is in another language, subtitles in English must be prepared.
4. After the end of the 24 hours, the Film will be screened at the Danny Lerner Memorial Theater at the Studio in front of a Jury.
5. For the production phase: locations only – there will be several sets – interiors and exteriors on the territory of the Studio.
6. Regarding the post-production phase: convertion the Film into DCP format (Digital Cinema Package) so the Film can be screened in the Theater.
7. Unit Production Managers and Heads of Departments of the Studio will monitor the work of the teams within the shooting day.
8. An Applicant may be any adult citizen of the Republic of Bulgaria or a of foreign nationality who legally resides in Republic of Bulgaria during NuBoyana24. There is not any fee for the application and participation in NuBoyana

9. To bring together a production crew of three to ten people (the Applicant included) who will make the Film together. The Applicant automatically becomes the Leader of the crew. The crew does not include the number of actors if any are needed, and their selection is also the responsibility of the Leader. Here after February 24, there will be a link with a playlist of FilmForge Acting for Film Class actors and Nu Boyana stuntmen/actors who are willing to take part in the Film. The Leader is allowed to bring actors outside the provided playlist. In case the Applicant cannot gather a crew, he/she can announce that in the Facebook event or declare that at the Technical Conference (see Item 14).

10. To carry out all activities needed for the production of the Film on the territory of the Studio.

11. To provide Film producton and post-production equipment – including props, costumes, makeup, lighting, camera, sound, color, editing, etc. There are no restrictions on the type of film production and post-production equipment.

12. To send the final cut of the Film to the Editing Department, before the end of NuBoyana 24, in order the Film to be converted into DCP.

13. To agree by applying for NuBoyana 24, the Studio to distribute the Film for the promotional purposes of NuBoyana 24 and the Internship Program.
14. On February 24, 2018, at 10:00 AM, at the Studio there will be a “Technical Conference”- rally point – the front gate of the Studio. Each potential Applicant is welcome. During the Conference the potential Applicants will be able to ask questions and receive answers about NuBoyana 24 and the upcoming Internship Program. If a potential Applicant can‘t be present at the Conference, he/she may send a representative.

15. The Applicant may submit his/her APPLICATION FORM by 5.00 PM on March 2, 2018. In the Application form the applicant should note how many of his/her crew members actually want to be part of the Internship Program.

16. NuBoyana24 will begin on March 10, 2018: at 9:00 AM, the three elements to be included in the film script will be announced then. At 10:00 AM the production process beginsand it will end at 10:00 AM on March 11, 2018, when it’s the final delivery date and time for the final cut of the Film.

17. The applicant and his team are not obliged to spend 24 hours in the Studio during the production of the Film, but they should not in violate item 10.

18. On March 11, 2018 at 6: 00 PM in the Theatre, in front of the Jury, the Film of each crew will be screened.
19. The Best Film will receive a First Prize of BGN 500 and the prize will be awarded to the Leader and his crew.
20. The second place will receive a prize of BGN 300 and the prize will be awarded to the Leader and his crew.
21. The third place will receive a prize of BGN 100 and the prize will be awarded to the Leader and his crew.
22. The best Leaders and those team members who, as reported by Unit Production Managers and Heads of Departments of the Studio, have shown excellent abilities and a good quality work, will be invited to take part in the Internship Program. It is not obligatory for all crew members to be willing to participate in the Internship Program.
23. The Internship Program will consist of paid work withing the departments of the Studio as well as in film productions.
24. The Internship Program will last for 3 months and will begin on May 2, 2018, with the program’s goal being the best interns to get the chance to become part of the film industry.
APPLY HERE: Application form

If you have any questions, write to us: [email protected], Subject: NuBoyana 24